Documents, Videos, Pictures & Music appearing with the "My" prefix
Hey guys, I have tested this with a completely fresh install of the RC and I still see the issue:Here is a dir command for my user path:C:\Users\Zambz>dirVolume in drive C has no label.Volume Serial Number is 90A9-2538 Directory of C:\Users\Zambz 25/05/2009 12:45 AM <DIR> .25/05/2009 12:45 AM <DIR> ..25/05/2009 12:45 AM <DIR> Contacts25/05/2009 12:45 AM <DIR> Desktop25/05/2009 12:45 AM <DIR> Documents25/05/2009 12:45 AM <DIR> Downloads25/05/2009 12:45 AM <DIR> Favorites25/05/2009 12:45 AM <DIR> Links25/05/2009 12:45 AM <DIR> Music25/05/2009 12:45 AM <DIR> Pictures25/05/2009 12:45 AM <DIR> Saved Games25/05/2009 12:45 AM <DIR> Searches25/05/2009 12:45 AM <DIR> Videos 0 File(s) 0 bytes 13 Dir(s) 40,570,036,224 bytes freeHowever in explorer (with hidden files turned off), I see the following:ContactsDesktopDownloadsFavoritesLinksMy DocumentsMy MusicMy PicturesMy VideosSaved GamesSearchesI can confirm that none of these are junctions / links. If I go to properties of these items, their location does point to the correct path (without the My prefix).Can anyone please assist?Thanks so muchZambz
May 24th, 2009 6:01pm

Zambz, This is a common naming convention of Microsoft Windows, and has been so for several releases. As you say, none of these are shortcuts; Windows Explorer is simply coded to identify these folders as such, whereas browsing the raw directory structure will not add the "My" prefix.-Alex
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May 25th, 2009 1:02am

Hey Alex, this name convention was dropped in Windows Vista, as far as I understand, the prefix "My" should not be used anymore. I think this might be a bug.
May 25th, 2009 2:01am

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